"Zaštita prirode" stands for Nature Protection in Serbian. It is not new idea here, as our constitutional law and order used this term as early as in 1970's. The first protected site in Serbia (and among the first ones in ex Yugoslavia) was the Obedska bara (Obed marsh) Reserve, since 1951, officially by law.
As I live in the Pannonian region of Serbia most of the actualities will be from here, the Vojvodina Province.
Articles in this Blog are mainly in Serbian and in Hungarian, my native language.
For links to pages in English only look at right.
You will find a "Babelian mess" on these pages starting from my mispelled name to postings with language mixes.
Let me explain this.
Part of it is a hard-to-change Blogger setting:
1) Based on my geographical position the provider automatically chooses my language setting to be Serbian, but
2) when - solely for matters of simplicity - I wanted Latin letterset instead of Cyrillic, again the system assumed I want to use Croatian setting
3) I am originally a Hungarian, e.g. that's my mother tongue, so in addition to the preceding you'll find pages just in Hungarian or words casually mixed into the text.
4) I am trying to provide English for those that don't speak the previously mentioned languages, or you can use the linked Google translator.
Thanks for the understanding!